How to submit your project?

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The second edition for the year 2024 will be open soon!
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Projet Fertilux

Still somes weeks to wait before the new edition is open!

Two calls for proposals are open in 2024.

For the second edition of 2024, you will have until October 31 to submit your proposal. The application forms will be updated and available shortly. If you have any questions, please contact us at

The call for proposals

Apply with your project

The selection process follows a two-steps call for proposals:

  • pre-selection via an application form here to be sent to;
  • for the pre-selected candidates, a full submission, including a business plan, shall be presented

Any type of private company registered in Luxembourg Europe may, individually or in the form of a consortium, participate in this call for proposals, provided that it meets the minimum administrative eligibility conditions.

Various types of partnership may be established under the BPF. However, the initiative for the partnership lies with the Luxembourgish and European private sector representatives wishing to participate in the facility.

While the initiative may come from a player in a  developing country, in this case it is essential that contacts are established with potential partners in Europe, and it will be up to these European partners to submit a proposal.

First step: complete the application form

In the first part of the form, the project leader briefly describes its company and its activities, as well as its experience in developing countries. It must also describe its commitments and approaches in terms of responsible conduct, such as its environmental, social and/or good governance commitments or the existence of internal codes or recognised certification (ISO 14000 or other).

With regard to human rights, the principle adopted is that the lead partner "should avoid infringing the human rights of others and remedy any negative impact on human rights in which they have a part". A formal commitment to respect the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" is therefore considered an advantage.

In the second part of the form, the project leader writes a concept note presenting the project and the proposed partners. The concept note must be presented in such a way that the project responds to an existing problem in the country of implementation and/or contributes to achieving one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Second step : submit a detailed proposal

The project leaders selected at the end of the first step have around three months to submit a complete dossier including a business plan, in which a more detailed presentation of the project is expected, in particular through a value proposition. The dossier must also include an implementation plan with a results matrix, a financial plan and supporting documents.

If they wish so, Luxembourg companies can be assisted by Luxinnovation in preparing their detailed proposal.

Once the detailed proposals have been selected, a co-financing agreement will be concluded with the promoters of the selected projects.

Selection criteria

The support granted by the BPF must contribute to achieving the SDGs through green and inclusive growth, job creation and technology transfer.

The following parameters are also taken into account in the final selection of projects:

  • the innovative nature of the project ;
  • the economic viability of the project
  • the proposed partnership with the local partner, in particular the formal common interest between the partners and mutual accountability;
  • the expected results and associated indicators;
  • the potential for job creation, particularly for women and young people;
  • the positive impact on the environment;
  • additionality of co-financing by the BPF facility;
  • neutrality (not creating market distortions);
  • demonstration effect and replicability;
  • compliance with social, environmental and fiscal standards.
Check out the practical guide for more details

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