Business partnership facility

Are you a private company based in Luxembourg or in Europe? Would you like to develop sustainable and innovative business projects that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in partnership with an organisation in a developing country? The Business Partnership Facility provides you with financial support to help you reach new markets.


The BPF operates on the basis of bi-annual calls for proposals.

The second call for proposals for 2024 will be soon open! You will have until the 31st of October to submit your application. To know more, feel free to contact us at!

Check the news to know more about the projects supported by BPF. 

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Discover the programme

Cofinancing conditions

The partners' commitment to responsible business conduct is a key factor for being selected for BPF co-financing.

BPF co-financing is awarded on the basis of a two-stage call for proposals issued twice a year. The projects selected at the end of the process are co-financed up to a maximum of 50%, with a ceiling of €200,000, in the form of a non-refundable direct grant paid in two or three instalments.

This co-financing, initiated and financed by the Luxembourg Cooperation, falls within the scope of so-called "de minimis" aid: aid granted by a Member State to a company, the cumulative amount of which may not exceed a ceiling of €200,000 over a three-year period.

Sustainable business partnerships

Co-financing up to 50% of project costs

Transfer of technology and know-how

Impact on environment and human rights

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Key figures

Following initiatives taken by other European countries to support the private sector in developing countries, the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE) launched the BPF in 2016.

Since its launch, the BPF has proved increasingly popular with the private sector, and the MAEE has extended the facility until 2028.

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