Support for technological and innovative entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso

Home|Support for technological and innovative entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso

Lead partner: Technoport SA (LU)

Local partner: Burkina Business Incubator (BBI)

Edition: 2020

Country: Burkina

Status of the project: On going

BPF financing: 117 000 €

Objective of the project:

Technoport and Burkina Business Incubator (BBI) want to work together to:

– open up opportunities for Luxembourg technology start-ups wishing to expand into markets on the African continent in general and in Burkina Faso in particular (this consists in providing support services to these companies so that they set up permanently in Burkina Faso by means of skills transfers to potential users, promotional campaigns and partnerships with local businesses)

– encourage the development of the Burkina Faso ecosystem, companies creation, training and employment for young graduates (this consists in supporting the creation of technology companies in Burkina Faso by launching calls for projects, coaching and mentoring project leaders, providing training, offering specific support programmes and co-incubation within the Burkina Business Incubator with the possibility of a soft landing in Europe for entrepreneurs offering the best development potential).